Our Board of Directors includes different marine-industry representatives: ship operators, unions, cruise ships and tour boats, port authorities and associations.
Executive Committee
Charles-Etienne Aubry – Co-President, Workers’ Representative and Treasurer
Carole Goudreault – Co-President, Employers’ Representative and Treasurer
Mark Harney - Vice-President, Employers’ Representative and Secretary
Mario Lamy - Vice-President, Workers’ Representative
Board of Directors
Mark Harney
Canada Steamship Lines
Stéphane Racine
Canadian Merchant Service Guild
Pascal Desrochers
Corporation des pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central
Simon Doré
Corporation of the Lower St. Lawrence Pilots
Myriam Tremblay
Croisières AML
Guillaume Turcotte
Lyne Caron
Fednav Ltd.
Albert Batten
International Longshoremen’s Association
Nicola Dolbec
Maritime Employers Association
Josée Bergeron
Montréal Gateway Terminals
Marie-Claude Galarneau
Montréal Port Authority
Carole Goudreault
Ocean Group
Nathalie Rousseau
Patrick Robitaille
Québec Port Authority
Charles-Etienne Aubry
Seafarers’ International Union of Canada
Luc Laberge
Section locale 9538 des Métallos
Sébastien Mercier
St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation
Mario Lamy
Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP 1375)
Érik Lapointe
Mélanie Bibeau
Administration de pilotage des Laurentides
Centre de formation aux mesures d'urgence de l'IMQ (CFMU)
Institut maritime du Québec (IMQ)
Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur
Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable
Société des traversiers du Québec
Lucie Boutin, Sectoral Intervention Advisor (Observer)
Direction du développement des compétences et de l'intervention sectorielle, Commission des partenaires du marché du travail
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